
Cooks & Crooks - Experience the satisfaction of ruining food

Created by Aether Tower

A family game where the most crooked chef wins! Place trash in your opponents' ovens, steal their ingredients or swap what's on their pantries. After 6 rounds the players who cooked the best dishes (or the least worse ones) wins!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Local Pickup #1 (Guadalajara)
over 5 years ago – Thu, Dec 13, 2018 at 01:32:58 AM


Since our last update we have received some e-mails regarding issues on shipping (Missing tracking, replacements, and other type of problems). We are doing our best keeping a record of everything to inform VFI (shipping issues) or Eastar (Manufacture issues). 

We really want you all to get the game before Christmas, but because of ourselves being swamped with preparations for the end of the year, we might have to solve some until January. We are really sorry for any inconveniences and grateful for your comprehension and patience. Remember that we do not intend to let you down.

Missing tracking info: This ended up being the most popular issue. We kindly request to send all further e-mails to [email protected] BUT some parcels have arrived before the backers got the tracking. This has been something popular in other projects recently so it might be an overload of parcels.

Parcels status not moving: This is the second most popular issue, our recommendation is to just wait. Other backers have informed that their packages are on hold some days and then it finally moves. We believe this is something beyond our hands, so as long as your package doesn't stay there for more than 3 weeks, it should be in the "normal" threshold.

Rat Miniatures: Remember that these will arrive later next year since they are still under production. Our manufacturer informed us that they decided to change the mold so the miniature could come out in 1 piece rather than 2. This way, it is more resistant to falling down of the table and no assembly or glue is needed.

 Packages arriving correctly: This is always GREAT to know. It fills our hearts with joy to read you receive, like and enjoy your rewards. Thank you for being part of this. Please rate on BGG the game from 1 to 10.

And finally, some news for Mexican backers which we will continue in Spanish for backers' convenience.


¡Gracias a todos por la espera! Hace unos días por fin recibimos las copias en México. Desgraciadamente llegaron sólo los juegos base pero hemos localizado las expansiones de 5 jugadores así como los componentes Kickstarter y llegarán el fin de semana. Una vez que lleguen procederemos con los envíos cuanto antes para intentar que los juegos lleguen antes de Navidad.

 Dicho esto, nos encantaría invitar a aquellos que no pueden esperar más por recibir su juego a La Caravana Bistro en Guadalajara (Beethoven 5162, 45030 Zapopan) a partir de las 7:30 pm hasta las 10:30pm para recogerlo directamente por los diseñadores Andrés Novelo y Luis Muñoz, jugar con ellos, firmar su copia y sobretodo disfrutar de 2x1 en pizzas. Si conoces a alguien que no pudo adquirir su copia en Kickstarter o cuyo cargo en la tarjeta no pasó, también es buen momento para asistir. Puedes confirmar tu asistencia aquí.

Más adelante tendremos otro evento para recolección personal en Ciudad de México.

Finalmente queremos invitarlos también a Roll a Game Expo este fin de semana donde estaremos presentes y nos encantaría que nos ayudaran para que Cooks & Crooks gane en la categoría Mejor juego de RAGE 2018.

Parcels arriving
over 5 years ago – Fri, Dec 07, 2018 at 01:26:46 AM

Hello everyone!

We would like to start by offering you a big apology for not being active recently. With so much backlog of projects (Seat Wars being fulfilled at the same time as Cooks & Crooks, solving add-ons for Cooking Rumble, working with the new projects from Draco Studios Eldritch Century + War for Chicken Island, and the upcoming Roll a Game Expo) we have been away a little bit from the comments section. But be assured that we read all the comments and messages and that even if we do not reply at the moment, we take note of issues and we pretend to fulfill each and every backer.

Packages arriving: Yes! This makes us extremely happy and even more when you let us know in the comments with detail

These comments brings joy for each of us involved in the project!
These comments brings joy for each of us involved in the project!

 The best way to support us is by rating the game on its BoardgameGeek Page.

Fulfillment issues

Almost all campaigns have some issues on fulfillment, big or small. It is natural at this stage since assembly, packaging and delivery can be erratic. We are committed to solve them so every backer is satisfied. If you ran into issues, search for the proper one to know more about it.

As we mentioned in the previous update, because of currency exchange going higher these past months, fulfillment ended being more costly than what we planned and that we would cover this extra cost from our pockets hoping to retrieve some of it by selling the extra copies.

Incomplete parcels: Rat miniatures and printed translated rules are scheduled for a later delivery on 2019. Other than that, if you are missing game, 5th player expansion or Kickstarter exclusive items, send us an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject: "C&C Missing items" telling us which items were missing and we will compare data from pledge manager to the report VFI gave us of the parcels sent.

Tracking info not sent or arrived late: We are aware of this issue. As mentioned in a previous update, because of currency exchange and suggestion from our fulfillment partner (VFI ASIA), we decided to ship everything from China. The packages were ready to be sent and we let VFI Asia know that the payment would be done a couple of weeks after the change of president in our country (hoping that currency exchange would be in our favor). Apparently, they sent them in goodwill before we committed payment and the tracking info went out later went we reached again to let them know that payment would be committed by the end of this week. If you haven't received your tracking info by next Monday send us an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject "C&C Missing tracking" because maybe your survey was not answered or for some reason your package was not sent yet.

Customs bills: Yes, when we accepted the recommendation of this game being small and inexpensive enough to reach the threshold we knew about this risk. Looks like at least for UK, the game did not managed to clear customs. If this is your case please send us an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject "C&C Customs bill" and a picture of the bill where we can see it refers to Cooks & Crooks. We will reimburse backers who request it at our expense. (For countries to which we promised Friendly-Shipping).

Incorrect shipping address: If your tracking info indicates that your package was sent to a different address send us an e-mail to [email protected] indicating us your actual address. We will check in the pledge manager log to see if you submitted that change or not.

Replacements for missing/damaged components

55 cards instead of 56: This is actually a 1st edition typo on the box. The box lists 56 components because it took into account the Kickstarter exclusive card (which is still exclusive and comes outside of the box). 55 cards inside is correct. We do not have plans in the near future for a 2nd print, but this is something we should correct if someday we have it.

Other components (except rat miniature) Again, the miniatures are still under production and we are aiming for a 2019 delivery on Q1. For all other missing or damaged components, just send us a picture of it to [email protected] with the subject "C&C replacement" and we will take it from there.

Shout out to VFI Asia

Even with the issues that have arisen so far, we have to say that VFI Asia excelled this time with us:

  • They lined up and packaged all the parcels to backers worldwide.
  • They sent in goodwill the parcels before we even committed payment.
  • Due to our situation having an unfavorable currency exchange increase, they reduced the amount for upfront payment to just 33% and the rest before end of the year; also they offered to help us a little bit further by buying any games left on their warehouse after fulfilling the project to lower the number.

Last notes

At this point Cooks & Crooks and Seat Wars have the same status so most of the text of this update will be shared on that project too.

 We learnt some valuable lessons which will help us to be better in the future. For now, you can be assured that our commitment is to have every backer satisfied with their rewards sent and what was promised on the campaign.

We know that some of you are having issues and are letting us know in the comments, but that a lot of you are receiving your rewards with no problems and sometimes there are not any comments. We just hope you enjoy and cherish the game once you get it; there are very limited copies of Cooks & Crooks in the world and you helped to create it. Thank you for your support.

Shipping update (Late November)
over 5 years ago – Wed, Nov 28, 2018 at 06:24:33 PM

Hello backers, we wanted to share the news

All countries except Mexico: The games have been shipped and will start arriving to your addresses soon!

Mexico: Los juegos llegaron a puerto hace una semana, ya han sido liberados y llegarán a nuestra bodega en Texas mañana. Ahí cruzarán la frontera para importarlos al país y llegarán directo a Guadalajara de donde gestionaremos los envíos. Queremos que lleguen a tiempo para Roll a Game Expo (Feria internacional de los juegos de mesa) para que puedan recogerlos ahí. También será posible recogerlos en La Caravana GDL / CDMX más adelante.

Rat miniature: As indicated on previous updates. The rats are being manufactured in Mexico and will be sent separately from the game. We are expecting to finish production on December.

Replacements: Assemble and manufacture sometimes is not perfect and all manufacture printers have a percentage of games with errors. If you think this might be your case, send an e-mail to [email protected] with the subject "Replacement" and include pictures of any damaged component.

Share: Please let us know in the Kickstarter comments if you received your rewards and tag us over social media if you include pictures. We are very excited to read about it.

Rate: After playing the game 2 or 3 times, please rate us on BoardGameGeek! (The stars)

Parcels packaged
over 5 years ago – Mon, Nov 19, 2018 at 10:40:24 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Shipping will start soon!
over 5 years ago – Mon, Nov 05, 2018 at 11:18:16 PM


We have great news concerning Cooks & Crooks and Seat Wars!

Both games are very near to start shipping.

  • Our fulfillment partner informed us that the parcels shall be packed by Thursday or Friday and ready for fulfillment next week, so in a couple of weeks the first backers will receive their games.

  • On the other hand, our freight forwarder for the games addressed to Mexican backers told us today that the games departed from port on October 27th.

Everything is moving forward! We are very sorry about the delay but very grateful for your patience and for having a smooth process with manufacture. A shoutout to our friends of Eastar for their job and guidance through the process of manufacturing these original boxes.

Last call to update your address and COMPLETE YOUR SURVEY on Backerkit. We are finalizing addresses in 2 days!

Rat Minature

The rat miniatures is still delayed. Molds are finished but the project entered into queue line after fixing an issue with the base. We will have to ship those individually from México (as we mainly intended but hoped to be able to match the games' fulfillment).


We had the chance to attend to Essen and we can tell you that the game boxes for both game titles are head turners!

Cooks & Crooks will be present at Roll-A-Game-Expo on December 15th/16th at Guadalajara. If you attend, you will find that Cooks & Crooks is nominated with other titles for the best game of the fair 2018.

Stay tuned for news on fulfillment.